Contact Theraplace

Phone: (651) 775-9804

Fax: (844) 364-7181


Physical Location: 6448 Main Street, Suites 1 & 3, North Branch, MN 55056

Mailing Address: Theraplace, PO Box 547, North Branch, MN 55056

Our main office is located on the main level of Main Street Center, in Suite 1. Additional offices are located in Suite 3.

Street parking near front entrance. Parking lot with entrance ramp available near rear entrance.

​If you are experiencing an emergency situation, please do not send us an e-mail or leave a voice message. Call 911, go to your nearest hospital emergency room, or call Crisis Connection. They will be available to help you 24/7.

Crisis Text Line: Text MN to 741 741

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255

Crisis Response for Chisago County: (800) 523-3333